Placement Hunting & Running Unknown Paths - 17th July 2013

Placement Hunting & Running Unknown Paths - 17th July 2013 Progress has been a word that I have heard hundreds of times over the past couple of years and one that I will probably continue to hear until my injury problems clear up, and beyond, seen as I plan on becoming a Physiotherapist anyway! I seem to have progressed at a slow rate lately, although slow progression is always better than none of course. Firstly, my hunt for work experience and shadow placements still continues, with difficulty but I'm not anywhere near giving up. I have my 2 day placement at the Royal Blackburn Hospital which is a solid start, as well as receiving a contact number for a local private physio clinic too. Only 2 steps but as I've mentioned, it's 2 more than I had a few weeks ago and another couple of prospects do look positive. I was told it is key to obtain experience in various fields to show that I am willing to work with a variety of people and not just be sports ...