Scafell Pike fell race 2015

The title says it all on this occasion. We often choose to challenge ourselves and enter in to battle against the hills and mountains, after all, that's a major part of fell running, arguably that's what fell running is! So, I thought, well if I'm going to climb England's highest mountain for the first time, why not race it? Why not do the fell race that takes in the mountain itself and climbs all the way to the summit of England. Well, I found the race on the FRA calendar and posted off my entry form & entry fee and there we had it, I was up on the pre-entered athletes list on the CFRA website. My biggest amount of race ascent was on the Kentmere Horseshoe, around 3,300 feet, but Scafell Pike fell race is touching on 3,000 feet...not much difference you may think, but, Kentmere is over double the distance of the Scafell race & a lot of other factors come in to play. Scafell gives you around 1 mile at the start which is runnable, before you h...