Science in Sport - Overnight Protein & Caffeine Shots - Fuelled by Science

Science in Sport. Science in general. A very interesting subject that helps us to get to grips with the human body, how it works, how it performs and why it does what it does in given situations. In recent years, science has become integral in sport performance, especially at an elite and professional level. Marginal gains. Something you may have heard of. It's basically the art of doing lots of little things that will add up to bettering yourself. In 1992, Science in Sport was founded in London. SiS, as they are known, are now one of the worlds leading sports nutrition brands. They have a manufacturing facility in Nelson, Lancashire (wonderful county!) and they currently have three main product ranges; SiS GO , SiS REGO and PROTEIN . The Caffeine shots are under the SiS GO bracket, while the overnight protein, as you might have guessed, is under the PROTEIN product range. First of all, protein. I've tried the odd...