Work Experience, Injury Clear Ups & 2013 Therapy Expo - 19th September 2013

Work Experience, Injury Free (For Once) & 2013's Therapy Expo Since my last post, quite a lot has happened, hence the length of time since last posting! As I have previously mentioned, Universities are insistent on their students having work experience or at least some experience in the Physio industry/field before they even take them on their courses, this is due to the amount of people who actually have little or no idea of what Physiotherapy can consist of. If you ask a lot of people, they think that Physiotherapy mainly involves looking at people with a bad back or a twisted ankle or in some cases, sitting in the dugout at a football match, running on to be greeted by somebody who hasn't even really been injured and then spraying them with "magic spray" to let them resume play, this is far from what being a Physiotherapist consists of, as I know too well myself. I completed two placements over the past month or so, one based at the Royal Blackburn H...